Friday 26 July 2024

You Me and Him



Born within weeks of each other you me and him.

Played in the streets together you me and him.

First day at school together Miss Mavis our teacher name,

learnt the lessons of life together you me and him.

Ten years at school together you me and him.

Different friends we made together you me and him,

we all left school together had jobs not careers,

we went to the clubs together you me and him.

We all had girlfriends together you me and him,

you had the beautiful one fancied by me and him.

I got the clever one, him, the athlete.

A new future lay ahead for us. You me and him.

We've all grown old together you me and him.

We're in our declining years now you me and him.

One by one friends have gone,

we've had a good inning, so they say.

I wonder who'll be first to go. You me or...........him?

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