Thursday 5 September 2024

The Green Man

 In the woods of Chelmsley, before the housing estate

The Celtic God Cernunnos resided in that place.

And in that wood my friends and I at the time of Halloween

Go among the silver birch to look for Jack-in-the-Green.

We knew he's hiding in there in full view but still unseen.

With Mab or Titania, or some other Fairy Queen.

Jack, links us to our pagan past a spirit of the ancient woods,

As old as time his dance of life the steps we'd follow, if we could.

Through the paths of wandering fern into groves of old oak trees,

Sunlight shining through the branches, a dazzling carpet of green leaves.

In there The Green Man concealed;    The moustachioed green eyed esprit............

Monday 19 August 2024

The Pharaoh Rocher

 As I walked this morning with the smell of caramel lingering like the gentle mist of orange,

upon a Terry's all gold.

I went to see my confectioner for my Candy Bars and Smarties and he told me only sugar free

chocolate can be sold.

This I can't believe I said, I can't believe this trade is dead, you can not abandon tools like that,

your stainless bowls or silpat  mat.

Oh great father of the Hershey Bar ever since I was young I breast fed along with M&Ms Truffles'

and things that stained my tongue.

I lost some teeth to chewy treats, Lollipops and boiled sweets, acquired a taste of Nougat,

and some bonbons that are bittersweet.

And now you ask that I should watch no children's teeth to slowly rot, what kind of words

are these to hear from a chocolatier who the dentist fears....................

Now there seems no reason for me to carry on, in this land with no Woolworths for me

to buy Bonbons.

I'm lonely and it's quiet and the woke brigade is coming, so I think it's time to sling my hook

and cease my senseless moaning.

Soon I'll go to fairy dairyland where Toblerones are free, and Cadbury's Wispa Gold Bar

is only made for me.

Where a cascading fondue fountain is something to behold, and death to this old curmudgeon

comes,          with a vegan roll......................................

Friday 26 July 2024

You Me and Him



Born within weeks of each other you me and him.

Played in the streets together you me and him.

First day at school together Miss Mavis our teacher name,

learnt the lessons of life together you me and him.

Ten years at school together you me and him.

Different friends we made together you me and him,

we all left school together had jobs not careers,

we went to the clubs together you me and him.

We all had girlfriends together you me and him,

you had the beautiful one fancied by me and him.

I got the clever one, him, the athlete.

A new future lay ahead for us. You me and him.

We've all grown old together you me and him.

We're in our declining years now you me and him.

One by one friends have gone,

we've had a good inning, so they say.

I wonder who'll be first to go. You me or...........him?

Friday 12 July 2024

Dark Water


Out of my dream from dark water she comes bringing her light to lighten the day.

Morning light slowly brightens the room lazy thoughts lead my mind astray

from a half forgotten tune.

I think of you in your school girl garb with a satchel upon your back.

Riding the bus a tuppenny fare off to school without a care.

In my mind I see you there tall and thin with plaited hair.

Where was I, in life's morning march when mornings

were pearly pink.

Off to school to learn of things and write with pen and ink.

Vasco da Gama, the Cape of Good Hope, the history of Kings of old.

Assembly's held in the school hall with bible stories told.

In the darkest hour just before the dawn from dark waters 

comes the light, and my small world is reborn.

Where every day's always the same................but I am always different............ 

Friday 21 June 2024

The Sopranos

The beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bars, restless by day and by night rants and rages at the stars God help the beast in me.
The beast in me has had to learn to live with pain and how to shelter from the rain and in the twinkling of an eye, might have to be restrained God help the beast in me.

Sometimes it tries to kid me that it's just a teddy bear and even somehow manage to vanish in 
the air, and that is when I must beware of the beast in me. That everybody knows, they've seen him out dressed in my clothes patently unclear if it's New York or New Year, God help the beast in me. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Fag Ash Lil

 Eat your heart out Gavin Turk this is mine it's not your work.

As the snake oil salesman of a rotting apple, you think you're astute?

'Snake Oil' isn't as good as my 'Carved Fruit'.

And as for 'Dumb Candle', it's just a match on a broom handle.

And what's the point of the "Point at This', 'Touch your Nose' or 'Wet Lips'.

Is it to critics that you pamper, to scribble felt tip on recycled paper.

'A Manifesto' just chalk on plywood. It's misunderstood but still not good.

'Emission Edition' I understand, hope it turned out as you planned.

'Figure' is just a cast rusty nail it's time this work you did curtail.

The people who like it are Doo-lally, 'This is That'  and   'It's'    a load of !!!!!!

Google:    Snake Oil, Dumb Candle, Point at This, Touch your Nose, Wet Lips' A Manifesto, 
Emission Edition, Figure,  This is That,  and It's................................... 

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Tea at the Ritz

 I would  loved to have tea at the Ritz.

When the twenties were roaring, the  'IT'  girls adoring,

and full of glamour and glitz.

In the Palm Court on a chaise lounge,

She drinks tea from a porcelain cup

Or an absinthe and gin highball

That serves as a pick-me-up.

With her hair cut in the 'shingle'

Kohl-rimmed eyes and painted lips,

Liberated from the restrictive corset

The world at her fingertips.

Now dressed in her Parisian frock,

She's ready to give life a whirl,

She's no Edwardian lady

She's not a Gibson girl.......