Tuesday 11 September 2018

I just feel older than yesterday.

There is a cave in Kashmir ( Amarnath cave) the most sacred spot on earth to a worshipper of the Hindu god Siva. The pilgrims who journey there are old;
sometimes sick too. Many of them die on the high passes, their tiny tents swept away by the sudden rainstorms. Their relatives do not weep.
To them this does not matter, even the arrival- which must always be on a night of full moon is not more vital than the journey. 
Many know they will never arrive. It is the journey that is holy, and so it is to Existentialists; Life is more important than death.
What ever they do, men are too anxious to get to the end.
The sex act, eating a fine meal, playing golf, there is a temptation to rush, gobble or run.
That is foolish, for one should move at a relaxed pace through life doing the work one enjoys instead of chasing ambition helter-skelter, pursuing one's ultimate death.

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