Thursday, 5 September 2024

The Green Man

 In the woods of Chelmsley, before the housing estate

The Celtic God Cernunnos resided in that place.

And in that wood my friends and I at the time of Halloween

Go among the silver birch to look for Jack-in-the-Green.

We knew he's hiding in there in full view but still unseen.

With Mab or Titania, or some other Fairy Queen.

Jack, links us to our pagan past a spirit of the ancient woods,

As old as time his dance of life the steps we'd follow, if we could.

Through the paths of wandering fern into groves of old oak trees,

Sunlight shining through the branches, a dazzling carpet of green leaves.

In there The Green Man concealed;    The moustachioed green eyed esprit............