Monday, 28 November 2022

Princess Naffain'tshe

                                                                   Queen Nefertiti

I chased her down the days and down the nights.   I chased her in my youth and through the years.         I  chased her to the stars and in the myths of cosmogony.    I chased her in the labyrinth ways of my own mind.   And with my chisel I chased her in African mahogany.  

But,  in the mist of tears could not find the beauty that was Queen Nefertiti.................

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

North-- South-- South?-- West.....

 I was given a ships compass by my sister that was leaking oil from it's housing. I couldn't  stop the leak so I decided to drain the oil out and make a keepsake box for myself.     

Then I noticed there was no East marked on the compass it read north, south, south, west. How ever it was passed by the manufacturer and sold and possibly installed in to a boat I'll never know.

So I have awarded this compass the  I.B.A  for Endeavour.............