Monday, 31 December 2018

"Little Miss Marker". Damon Runyon

"Marky dance", she says. Then she begins hopping and skipping around among the tables,
holding her little short skirt up in her hands and showing a pair of white panties underneath.
Pretty soon Mindy himself comes along and starts putting up a beef about making a dance hall
of his joint, but a guy by the name of sleep-out who is watching Marky with much interest,
offers to bounce a sugar bowl off Mindy's sconce if he does not mind his own business.
So Mindy goes away, but he keeps muttering about the white panties being a most immodest
spectacle, which of course is great nonsense, as many dolls older than Marky are known to do
dance's in Mindy's, especially on the late watch, when they stop by for a snack on their way home
from the night clubs and the speaks, and I hear some of them do not always wear white panties either.