Friday 21 June 2024

The Sopranos

The beast in me is caged by frail and fragile bars, restless by day and by night rants and rages at the stars God help the beast in me.
The beast in me has had to learn to live with pain and how to shelter from the rain and in the twinkling of an eye, might have to be restrained God help the beast in me.

Sometimes it tries to kid me that it's just a teddy bear and even somehow manage to vanish in 
the air, and that is when I must beware of the beast in me. That everybody knows, they've seen him out dressed in my clothes patently unclear if it's New York or New Year, God help the beast in me. 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Fag Ash Lil

 Eat your heart out Gavin Turk this is mine it's not your work.

As the snake oil salesman of a rotting apple, you think you're astute?

'Snake Oil' isn't as good as my 'Carved Fruit'.

And as for 'Dumb Candle', it's just a match on a broom handle.

And what's the point of the "Point at This', 'Touch your Nose' or 'Wet Lips'.

Is it to critics that you pamper, to scribble felt tip on recycled paper.

'A Manifesto' just chalk on plywood. It's misunderstood but still not good.

'Emission Edition' I understand, hope it turned out as you planned.

'Figure' is just a cast rusty nail it's time this work you did curtail.

The people who like it are Doo-lally, 'This is That'  and   'It's'    a load of !!!!!!

Google:    Snake Oil, Dumb Candle, Point at This, Touch your Nose, Wet Lips' A Manifesto, 
Emission Edition, Figure,  This is That,  and It's................................... 

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Tea at the Ritz

 I would  loved to have tea at the Ritz.

When the twenties were roaring, the  'IT'  girls adoring,

and full of glamour and glitz.

In the Palm Court on a chaise lounge,

She drinks tea from a porcelain cup

Or an absinthe and gin highball

That serves as a pick-me-up.

With her hair cut in the 'shingle'

Kohl-rimmed eyes and painted lips,

Liberated from the restrictive corset

The world at her fingertips.

Now dressed in her Parisian frock,

She's ready to give life a whirl,

She's no Edwardian lady

She's not a Gibson girl.......

Monday 22 April 2024

Bucket List

Grandad! She said, you should make a bucket list. I'll get the paper and pen, you sit there and think. I don't really see the point, but I'll have to give it a go.

The first bucket on my list is a stainless steel pail, the type you see inmates with when serving time in jail.

Next I'd have a sugar Bucket one that's made from wood, It's sometimes called a"firkin." I hope that's understood.

High density polyethylene plastic that's the bucket for me, yellow with black handle so it's easy to see.

A 19th century leather bucket used by the Fire Brigade, for victorian firefighters it was their stock-in-trade.

A white enamel bucket with it's lid, and a blue line around the rim, a wire handle and wooden grip makes it look so trim.

With FIRE painted on the front and a handle on it's base, this bucket comes with a bracket to keep it in its place.

A mop bucket that's  been galvanised that would be tip-top.  I only want the bucket you can keep the mop.

Not strictly buckets but I'll add them to my List.

The Lunch bucket from the U.S.A, But really it's just a tin

A watering can with a long spout and a fitted brass rose.

A coal scuttle shaped as a Stahlhelm, and that's it ..................I suppose.

Grandad that's not right, It's not buckets to collect. It's a list of things for you to do with memories to be kept. I have that list it's called "Sod That". I'll show it to you now.......

Climb to Mount Everest base camp..................................................Sod That.

Swim with dolphins..........................................................................Sod That.

Parachute jump..................................................................................Sod That.

Bungee jump.....................................................................................Sod That.

Whale watching................................................................................Sod That.

The Northern lights...........................................................................Sod Them.

To stand under a mountain waterfall.................................................You can really Sod That.

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Leonardo da King Cole

Moaning Lisa, Moaning Lisa I have named you.

I can't paint the lady with the mystic smile.

From your eyes I can see that you blame me

for that Moaning Lisa strangeness in your smile.

Is it a look of contempt that you give me,

with angry eyes you know you broke my heart.

Many dreams I have brought to your doorstop,

they just lie there and they die there,

I will not give you eyebrows Moaning Lisa

I will leave you as a crappy work of art...................


Thursday 4 April 2024

The Big Lebowski

 Machine were mice and men were lion's once upon a time.

But now that it's the opposite It's twice upon a time.

I have trouble with my short term memory I may have said before.

My problem is my short term memory I forget things more and more.

I go into a room and wonder what I've come here for.

I have no short term memory I may have said before.

My memory is more long term now, where did those days  go?

Marleys on the way to school and football in the snow.

Street games. Camel-Fight, Kick-the-Can, Hot-rice.

And  nitty Nora the school nit nurse looking for head lice.

Bonfire night was just one night, one night in all the year.

Bangers and jumping Jacks and fires everywhere.

A smoke filled night, the sky orange bright, with laughter and joy.

November the fifth. Bonfire night was loved by every boy.

Sometimes when you're old you remember, and sometimes you forget.

The scent of something can haunt you, something to regret.

Somewhere over the next hill, the memory might come back.

A long life isn't always fair, but it's a lot fairer than death. 

Sunday 17 March 2024

All my own Work

 Jewels are baubles; 't is a sin to care for such unfruitful things;

One good-sized diamond in a pin some, not so large, in rings, 

A ruby, and a pearl or so, will do for me;-

I laugh at show.........